Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gay Marriage expands in its legalization

In case you haven't heard, the House in New Hampshire has just passed a bill to legalize gay marriage in the state. It has to go to the Senate now before it becomes law. Pray that the moral law would be upheld there.

Here's a link to the news story:

Friday, March 20, 2009

TIME magazine and Calvinism

Here is a very interesting article about the resurgence of Calvinism in America that's predicted. It's from TIME magazine of all things! It was number 3 in relevance out of 10.,28804,1884779_1884782_1884760,00.html

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The White House Screens Prayers

Here is a very interesting blog from Dr. Albert Mohler a few days back regarding those who pray at events that involve the president. They actually make sure the prayers don't offend anyone.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Free Audiobook

There's a cool offer going on at Every month they have a free audiobook you can download, and the one this month looks well worth listening to. It's called "Spiritual Disciplines For the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney. Simply go to the website, and you will see the free offer on the top right side of the page. You will need to register by the way (which is free to do also) and you have to type the promo code MAR2009 before you checkout to get it for free. If you listen to it, or even just a part of it, leave a comment about what you think of/learned from it!

P.S. Here's a good review of it if you want to know more about it: